Sprint ar putea lansa iPhone 5 impreuna cu Europa

    Cu doar o zi inaintea conferintei de prezentare a noului iPhone aflam ca operatorul de telefonie mobila Sprint ar fi incheiat un acord cu Apple care ii permite sa lanseze noul terminal iPhone 5, nu 4S, in exclusivitate in SUA. Conform acestui acord Sprint ar achizitiona peste 30 de milioane de terminale iPhone 5 de la Apple si ar avea exclusivitate in vanzare pentru o anumita perioada de timp. Practic Sprint va lansa, conform acestui acord, iPhone 5 in SUA si va fi singurul operator care il va vinde acolo pana in anul 2012 cand AT&T si Verizon ar putea sa il includa in oferta.

Mr. Hesse told the board the carrier would have to agree to purchase at least 30.5 million iPhones over the next four years—a commitment of $20 billion at current rates—whether or not it could find people to buy them, according to people familiar with the matter. In order to keep the price people pay for the phone low and competitive with rivals, Sprint would be subsidizing the cost of each phone to the tune of about $500, which would take a long time to recoup even at the high monthly fees iPhone users pay.

     Terminalul ar urma sa fie disponibil si in restul lumii insa intr-o versiune compatibila cu retele GSM/CMDA/LTE si numai in SUA ar putea exista o exclusivitate in ceea ce priveste comercializarea sa. Informatiile vin de la cei de la Wall Street Journal(exceptie facand posibila exclusivitate) care sustin ca au surse credibile in interiorul companiei Apple deci ceva in mod sigur s-a intamplat astazi in SUA din moment ce aflam din nou ca iPhone 4S si iPhone 5 vor fi lansate dar numai unul va fi disponibil in SUA la un singur operator. Noul iPhone 4S ar urma sa aiba urmatoarele specificatii tehnice :

  • A low voltage Apple A5 CPU (it won’t be the same as the iPad 2 chip, clock for clock).
  • Updated front and back camera sensors. FaceTime HD in the front, 8 megapixel 1080p HD video recording in the back.
  • Multiband 3G Qualcomm chipset — North American & International GSM/UMTS/HSPA bands for AT&T and Global carriers, North American CDMA & International GSM/UMTS/HSPA bands for Verizon and Sprint.
  • NFC support
  • Metal or “premium” plastic on the back case.

     Practic noul iPhone ar urma sa aiba un procesor mai slab decat cel al iPad 2, ar urma sa aiba camera de 8 megapixeli, chip baseband compatibil cu aproape orice retea GSM si suport pentru tehnologia NFC. Partea cu tehnologia NFC ma face sa cred ca informatiile ar putea fi complet false avand in vedere ca Apple a stat deoaparte de aceasta tehnologie pana acum dar mai multe vom afla maine.

UPDATE: Daca specificatiile de mai sus erau aseara pentru iPhone 5, iata ca astazi au devenit valide pentru iPhone 4S iar cele pentru iPhone 5 le avem mai jos:

  • Faster CPU.
  • Larger 4-inch screen, similar to LG’s NOVA display but with a higher resolution.
  • 1GB of RAM.
  • Slightly larger design overall, but thinner and with a larger battery.
  • 32GB of storage.
  • iPhone 5 exclusive software and APIs (Assistant).
  • Dedicated Assistant button, possibly integrated with the new home button, “think gestures or a two-stage button like a camera shutter key)