redsn0w 0.9.9 beta 5 disponibil, aduce tethered jailbreak pentru iPhone 3GS si ultrasn0w update in lucru

    Va spuneam ieri ca Dev Team va integra PwnageTool direct in redsn0w pentru a permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa faca un custom ipsw cu ajutorul caruia sa faca update la iOS 5 fara a actualiza baseband-ul si iata ca acest lucru s-a intamplat. Echipa a lansat in cursul serii trecute redsn0w 0.9.9 beta 5 care are implementata optiunea de a face un custom ipsw simplu care este jailbroken si pastreaza baseband-ul intact in timpul update-ului. Solutia implementata de catre ei este experimentala si deocamdata inutila pentru cei care au nevoie de ultrasn0w avand in vedere ca tweak-ul nu este compatibil cu iOS 5. Dev Team va lucra la actualizarea sa si in zilele urmatoare va lansa o versiune compatibila in Cydia pentru toti utilizatorii.

     Noua versiune a redsn0w aduce untethered jailbreak pentru posesorii de iPhone 3GS cu bootrom vechi, adica fabricat inainte de septembrie 2009, deci daca aveti unul puteti face update linistiti la iOS 5. Noua versiune a redsn0w este compatibila dor cu Mac OS X in momentul de fata deoarece versiunea pentru Windows mai are nevoie de cateva teste asa ca veti mai avea putin de asteptat. In redsn0w 0.9.9 beta 5 nu mai este nevoie sa directionam programul catre un ipsw al iOS 5 pentru a face jailbreak, redsn0w luandu-si singur fisierele necesare direct de pe serverele Apple. Acestea fiind spuse, puteti descarca redsn0w 0.9.9 beta 5 de aici : Mac OS X.

Update #13:  With today’s official iOS5 release, redsn0w has been updated to 0.9.9b5 to include the public URLs for the IPSW files.  This way, first-time iOS5 jailbreakers don’t need to supply the IPSW file manually.  It’s still a tethered jailbreak on all except the old-bootrom iPhone3GS, and it doesn’t apply to iPad2 or the upcoming iPhone4S.

Because the jailbreak is currently only tethered for most devices, we’re not going to release a new PwnageTool yet.  Instead, we’ve decided to build some of PwnageTool’s functionality into redsn0w (since you need redsn0w to “Just boot tethered” on every power cycle anyway).  The new “Custom IPSW” button on the Extras screen will create a custom IPSW without the baseband update for 4.3.3 or 5.0gm (iPhone3GS and iPhone4 only, for now).  Remember to NOT accidentally restore to the stock IPSW after you create the custom one!  The custom one begins with NO_BB_ (for “no baseband”).  On Mac iTunes, you select an IPSW by holding down the Option key while clicking “Restore”.

You must enter “Pwned DFU” mode before trying to use the NO_BB_ IPSW with iTunes (and your hosts file cannot be pointing to Cydia’s servers due to the new blob nonce mechanism they’re using in iOS5).

Version 0.9.9b5 is available only for Mac for now, until we can do more testing on the Windows version of “Custom IPSW”.

We’re currently working on a normal compatibility update for existing ultrasn0w unlockers.  After that we’ll try to fix the iBooks issue on jailbroken iOS5.