Video: Siri folosit pentru a rula comenzi personalizate in aplicatii din iOS


   Probabil cea mai mare asteptare pe care utilizatorii o au de la Siri este posibilitatea de a rula comenzi personalizate in aplicatiile din iOS si de a rula acelasi comenzi direct in iOS pentru aplicatii. Ei bine clipul video de mai sus ne demonstreaza ca in aplicatiile din iOS putem rula comenzi personalizate, mai exact putem roti o pagina, putem trece de la o pagina la alta si cam atat deoamdata insa totul este posibil. Cat de utile sunt aceste functii cand avem un ecran touchscreen in fata? Nu chiar atat de utile insa important este ca Siri poate si poate destul de multe.

Earlier today, I had a brainstorm. Maybe I was just overthinking the whole custom Siri thing for third party apps. I didn’t want to install a proxy server or jailbreak my iPhone. I just wanted to use Siri dictation to issue commands to my apps, and I wanted to do that without having to display a keyboard that took up 50% of my iPhone screen. So I chatted with Steven Troughton Smith about overriding the keyboard by setting its inputView to a custom toolbar, and then using a button to start and stop Siri dictation. This last bit, the custom UI (sorry, but I wanted pretty) is the only “hacking” per se involved here. Instead of overwhelming the screen, he suggested I link directly to UIDictationController and tell it to start and stop dictation.

   Tot ce vedeti in clip poate fi usor implementat intr-o aplicatie care probabil ar putea fi chiar acceptata de catre Apple in App Store, asta daca nu cumva inginerii companiei vor deveni dintr-odata mult prea zelosi.