Avid Studio for iPad – o alternativa \”profesionala\” pentru iMovie

  Incepand de astazi este disponibila in App Store o aplicatie numita Avid Studio for iPad care se doreste a fi o alternativa pentru aplicatia iMovie lansata de catre Apple in urma cu cateva luni de zile si pentru tableta iPad. Folosind Avid Studio for iPad avem posibilitatea de a edita filme direct de pe tabletele celor de la Apple insa avem la dispozitie si o serie intreaga de optiuni care in mod normal nu sunt disponibile pentru alte aplicatii dedicate terminalelor mobile. Desi versiunea pentru iPad nu ofera aceeasi functionalitate precum versiunea pentru PC, folosind-o aveti posibilitatea de a adauga o doza de profesionalism oricarui film facut cu un iDevice.

The idea is that the iPad app and the desktop software are complementary, [Avid vice president Tanguy] Leborgne said, so that users who want to create and edit projects on the go can do so, but ultimately preserve them by taking them to the PC.  The Avid iPad app does have some nice features, including an interface that includes a storyboard area and an editing timeline. And while some video editors rely heavily on customized keyboards or a mouse, others might appreciate the ability to pinch and squeeze videos and images to scale them on the touchscreen of the iPad, or the ability to move text and titles around with their fingers.

   Aplicatia Avid Studio for iPad este disponibila in App Store la pretul de 3.99€.

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Avid Studio



Developer: Avid Technology Inc
 iPad Only
Categoria: Photo & Video

Descriere: Big-screen moviemaking comes to the touchscreen with Avid Studio for iPad. Weve distilled the worlds leading film-editing technology into an easy-to-use app that enables you to edit video, audio, and photos at the speed of your creativity.

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