Video: RecognizeMe 2.0 – o noua versiune a tweak-ului care iti deblocheaza iDevice-ul folosind un sistem biometric


  RecognizeMe este un sistem biometric de recunoastere faciala pentru iPhone iar in clipul de mai sus avem o scurta prezentare a modului in care functioneaza. Ati vazut sigur prin filme sisteme de securitate de acest gen care verifica trasaturile fetei unei persoane si pe baza lor ofera acces intr-o incapere, casa, etc. Acelasi principiu este aplicat si aici doar ca acum vorbim despre accesul in iPhone si nu accesul intr-o casa. Sistemul din RecognizeMe apare ca o optiune atunci cand setati un passcode pentru iOS si permite deblocarea terminalului prin recunoasterea caracteristicilor fetei voastre. Recunoasterea se face folosind camera frontala a dispozitivului care va scaneaza fata si o verifica in baza de date din telefon unde sunt disponibile o serie de poze  cu voi.

RecognizeMe is the first ever Facial Recognition for iOS. Recognize me works with all iOS 4.x+, and sits on the passcode lock screen. RecognizeMe uses the Front Facing camera on the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4th Gen (also, it works well with the iPad 2, when ever a jailbreak is found!) Simply train using the included App, making sure to have even light on your face, configure a lockscreen passcode, and you’re good to go! Threshold for verification is adjustable, and you can add/remove biometric sets at any time. (I find 3 sets optimal, with even light on the face in low, medium, and high light conditions)

A Training and Settings app will be added to your home screen.

  Daca terminalul face recunoasterea atunci el se deblocheaza, daca nu va recunoaste atunci ramane blocat. Totul functioneaza in baza pozelor predefinite din terminal astfel ca nici o alta persoana nu va putea debloca terminalul folosind RecognizeMe. In cursul serii trecute RecognizeMe a fost actualizat, dezvoltatorul sau imbunatatind algoritmii in baza carora se face recunoasterea faciala, implementand cateva lucruri noi si rezolvand problemele de functionalitate:

  • iOS 5 CoreImage Face Detection added to vastly improve detection time, which improves overall Recognition and speed!!
  • New Animations to see how RecognizeMe see’s your face! (Even on iOS 4 where CoreImage Face Detection is not available!
  • Speed Improvements
  • Tweaks to recognition algorithm better matching features
  • Improved clarity of incoming camera stream across all devices
  • Added AutoStart on unlock feature (starts RecognizeMe upon swipe-to-unlock)
  • All artwork updated

  RecognizeMe este disponibil in Cydia pentru 2.99$.