CEO-ul Google sustine ca Steve Jobs a pornit un razboi legal impotriva Android OS doar pentru a isi motiva angajatii

  Steve Jobs a inceput nu demult un razboi legal cu producatorii de terminale Android si a declarat ca nu se va lasa pana cand nu va distruge sistemul de operare al celor de la Google insa din pacate cancerul l-a rapus inainte de a isi termina treaba. Actualul CEO al Google, Larry Page, sustine ca acest razboi legal ar fi fost pornit de catre Steve Jobs doar din dorinta de a isi motiva angajatii si totul a fost doar “de fatada”. Mai exact CEO-ul Google sustine ca Android-ul a devenit inamicul celor de la Apple deoarece Steve Jobs dorea acest lucru pentru a isi motiva echipa de ingineri/dezvoltatori sa faca produse inovatoare.

I think the Android differences were actually for show. I had a relationship with Steve. I wouldn’t say I spent a lot of time with him over the years, but I saw him periodically. Curiously enough, actually, he requested that meeting. He sent me an e-mail and said: “Hey, you want to get together and chat?” I said, “Sure, I’ll come over.” And we had a very nice talk. We always did when we had a discussion generally… He was quite sick. I took it as an honor that he wanted to spend some time with me. I figured he wanted to spend time with his family at that point. He had a lot of interesting insights about how to run a company and that was pretty much what we discussed.

  In opinia lui Larry Page, Android-ul a fost doar scuza perfecta gasita de Steve Jobs pentru a le da angajatilor sai “energia” de care aveau nevoie pentru a lucra si mai bine in cadrul companiei Apple. Page spune ca a avut o relatie normala cu Steve Jobs si ca fostul CEO al Apple l-a chemat intr-o zi pentru a discuta despre situatia Android-ului desi Jobs a facut destule afirmatii negative la adresa celor din Mountain View. Google si Android au devenit competitorii pe care Apple trebuia sa ii depaseasca si Page spune ca Steve Jobs a stiut cum sa isi motiveze oamenii pentru a face acest lucru si poate are dreptate.

I think that served their interests. For a lot of companies, it’s useful for them to feel like they have an obvious competitor and to rally around that. I personally believe that it’s better to shoot higher. You don’t want to be looking at your competitors. You want to be looking at what’s possible and how to make the world better.

  Nimeni nu poate sti daca tot ceea ce Page spune este adevarat sau nu insa teoria sa este mai mult decat interesanta.