International Locations for Siri iti permite sa cauti anumite locatii in Romania folosind Siri

  In cursul serii trecute a aparut in Cydia un tweak numit International Locations for Siri care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa caute locatii folosind Siri. In mod normal Siri poate cauta locatii doar in SUA deoarece serviciul Yelp folosit de Siri pentru locatii inca nu este indeajuns de raspandit in restul globului. Folosind International Locations for Siri puteti efectua cautari prin Siri si in tarile din afara SUA, dezvoltatorul sau spunand ca acesta este compatibil cu peste 150 de tari, deci teoretic ar trebui sa il puteti folosi in Romania.

Add-on enables location searches (“Where’s the closest restaurant?”, “Find nearby hospitals”, etc.) in non-US countries.

  International Locations for Siri functioneaza deocamdata doar in limba engleza si trebuie sa folositi expresii precum “Where’s the closest,” “Show nearby,” “Where am I,” “Where can I get some food,”  pentru a vedea locatiile aferente. Tweak-ul functioneaza in baza plugin-ului AssistantExtension si este disponibil in Cydia pentru 0.99$. Tweak-ul functioneaza numai pe iOS 5 si este compatibil cu Spire.

Well I feel that Siri is a useful tool and local business searches are one of the more important functions that Siri provides. As Apple has neglected to include this feature for the majority of the world, I think that my enabling it with this tweak will make Siri much more useful for people outside of the U.S. At the moment, the context is slightly limited (“Where’s the closest,” “Show nearby,” “Where am I,” “Where can I get some food,” etc.). I hope to make it as close to Apple’s implementation as possible with my upcoming updates.