Universal Video Downloader te ajuta sa descarci clipuri video sau stream-uri din orice aplicatie

  Universal Video Downloader este o aplicatie lansata in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti descarca stream-uri video sau clipuri video din multe aplicatii ale iOS. In momentul in care rulati un clip video in iOS, aplicatia va afisa imediat un mesaj prin care va va intreba daca doriti sa descarcati acel clip video sau nu, iar daca raspunsul este afirmativ, atunci vi se va cere sa specificati daca doriti clipul la calitate inalta, medie, sau intr-o anumita limba. Aceste optiuni depind desigur de disponibilitatea fisierelor, deci nu sunt utilizabile in orice conditii.

Download almost any video stream or video file from many different apps with the Universal Video Downloader! This app will allow you to save video content from many different apps so you can watch it later, even without an Internet connection! Simply play a video you want to save and an alert will be shown asking if you would like to download the video. In addition to many different App Store apps, this app is compatible with the native YouTube and Safari apps, as well as the new third-party YouTube app in the App Store.

  Aplicatia poate descarca aproape orice fel de clipuri video din aplicatii, insa partea interesanta este ca puteti descarca si stream-uri sau clipuri video de pe YouTube, ori alte retele de video sharing, conditia este ca acele retele sa aiba o aplicatie in App Store. Din pacate nu orice fel de continut video va putea fi descarcat, la baza acestei “probleme” stand metodele de securitate implementate in aplicatii si felul in care este livrat continutul video catre voi.

  Universal Video Downloader este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

If applicable, the app will allow you to download video content in different qualities and different languages (video streams only). You can filter the apps you would like to download videos from, and you can resume downloads where you left off in case you lose your Internet connection. Please be aware that, while this app is compatible with a large number of other applications, there are two notable exceptions with respect to compatibility. First, the app is not currently able to download files specified in QuickTime reference movies (video files with embedded URLs). However, it WILL download most video streams, even though they have embedded URLs as well. Second, some third-party apps use custom video players and/or custom verification systems to restrict the accessibility of video content. Because of this, the app may not be able to download video content from some of these apps.