Americanii utilizeaza aplicatii mobile aproape la fel de mult precum se uita la TV

  Terminalele mobile ocupa un loc din ce in ce mai important in vietile noastre, v-am spus deja ca foarte multa lume foloseste terminalele mobile ca si ecran secundar pentru televizoare. Completand acele informatii va spun ca in SUA timpul petrecut utilizand aplicatii mobile este aproape la fel de mare precum timpul petrecut vizionand show-uri sau filme la televizor. In graficul de mai sus aveti un grafic facut de Flurry, iar zilnic utilizatorii petrec 127 minute utilizand aplicatii mobile si 168 de minute uitandu-se la televizor.

Between December 2011 and December 2012, the average time spent inside mobile apps by a U.S. consumer grew 35%, from 94 minutes to 127 minutes.  By comparison, the average time spent on the web declined 2.4%, from 72 minutes to 70 minutes.  By our measurement, U.S. consumers are spending 1.8 times more time in apps than on the web.The chart also shows that time spent in apps already totals 76% of time spent on television.  With new content released via thousands of new apps each day, we expect this trend to continue.  In fact, we ultimately expect apps on tablets and smartphones to challenge broadcast television as the dominant channel for media consumption.

  Daca ne uitam la modul in care se utilizeaza aplicatiile aflam ca majoritatea utilizatorilor isi folosesc terminalele mobile jucandu-se sau folosind retelele de socializare, aplicatiile pentru entertainment si cele utilitare ocupand locul 3 cu acelasi procent. La o combinare, fortata e drept, a acestor date cu cele de mai sus realizam ca utilizatorii aleg in principal sa se joace in timp ce se uita la televizor, iar in baza acestui rezultat aflam cat de multa importanta primescte continutul prezentat la televizoare.

The stats on gaming are particularly interesting.  Returning to the Bureau of Labor Statistics survey data, the average U.S. consumer spent 1.2 hours (72 minutes) per day playing a game, on any platform. Our data shows that 43% of time spent in mobile apps, 55 minutes, is spent in games. This means that mobile gaming on tablets and smartphones has absorbed 76% (55 of the 72 minutes) of the total time consumers spend on gaming, anywhere. Now, that’s disruptive.

Voi ce aplicatii utilizati in timp ce va uitati la TV?