CalypsoKey – husa pentru iPhone care inlocuieste cheia casei tale (Video)


  In ultimii ani a existat un interes tot mai mare pentru dezvoltarea de accesorii, pentru iDevice-uri, care sa ne permita sa controlam diverse obiecte din casa, sau sisteme care monitorizeaza, ori controleaza casa noastra. In aceasta idee a fost dezvoltata si CalypsoKey, o husa pentru terminale iPhone care ne permite sa inlocuim clasica cheie. Husa are implementata tehnologia NFC, ea functioneaza cu ajutorul unei incuietori speciale ce trebuie montata in usa noastra, iar in momentul in care apropiem husa de usa, incuietoarea se deblocheaza automat.

Never lose your keys again. Leave them behind and unlock doors just with a tap of a CalypsoKey, hidden in your CalypsoCase. Featuring the missing identification potentials of your iPhone. We are introducing sensational new near field communication (NFC)possibilities for your iPhone with the CalypsoKey. Replace your keys. Open doors. Access your apartment. Check in at your office building. Open the garage. All with just a short wireless tap of your CalypsoCase. No apps and no charging are needed. 

  Acesta nu este primul produs de acest gen lansat pe piata si cu siguranta nu va fi ultimul, dezvoltatorii sai sustin ca el functioneaza in baza unui algoritm puternic securizat, care teoretic nu permite hackerilor sa cloneze ID-ul husei voastre, insa in ziua de astazi orice este posibil. Husa CalypsoKey costa 150$, iar incuietoarea care trebuie sa o achizitionati costa aproximativ la fel, insa partea buna este ca puteti utiliza mai multe tipuri de incuietori cu produsul, desi dezvoltatorii sai recomanda doar un singur brand.

How it works:

The CalypsoKey has two antennas, covering two spectrums at the same time. That way most of worldwide RFID access points are covered and you can use the CalypsoKey for numerous occasions.

Each transmitter has its own unique secured ID. This ID is used by the access points when they look up in their database if this ID is permitted to access and enter. You need to pair your locking system with your CalypsoKey and you are ready to enter only by tapping your CalypsoCase with CalypsoKey to the access point.


  1. 1. You own an radio frequency locking system. You can enter your door only with a special key by tapping the lock.
  2. 2. Get an CalypsoCase with CalypsoKey.
  3. 3. Set your locking system in to programming mode with a master key (see your locking system manual for instructions) and program the lock to allow access to your new CalypsoCase with CalypsoKey.
  4. 4. You can now use your CalypsoCase with CalypsoKey to easily enter your door.