Tim Cook sustine ca Apple achizitioneaza companii aproape o data la doua luni de zile

  Ieri v-am spus ca astazi Tim Cook urmeaza sa vorbeasca la Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference si CEO-ul Apple discuta acum despre compania Apple si modul in care a evoluat ea in ultimii ani. Vorbind despre achizitii, CEO-ul Apple sustine ca in ultimii 3 ani compania sa a achizitionat cate o noua companie o data la aproximativ 2 luni de zile si chiar a luat in considerare achizitionarea unor companii mari, importante. Cook sustine ca achizitiile se fac fie in baza tehnologiilor detinute de companie, a proprietatii intelectuale, sau a oamenilor care lucreaza pentru ea, totul fiind facut pentru a dezvolta noi produse.

Look at the last three years, we’ve averaged about an acquisition every other month. The kind of companies that we’ve push cased have been companies where ether have really smart people and or IP. Generally speaking, in many cases, we’ve taken something that their working on and moved the skills to work on something else. We bought a company called PA Semi a couple years ago. We were in the process of creating the engines in [iOS devices]. These were an incredible group of guys. We’ve done many many others that are similar in nature to that. We will do more of those. We’ really like to control the primary technology. In terms of large acquisitions… we have looked at large companies.. in each case, it didn’t pass our test for various reasons. We will look again, I’m sure we will. I think we have the management talent and depth to do it. we don’t feel press to acquire revenue, we want to make great products. Cash is not burring a hold in our pocket.

  Avand aproape 140 de miliarde de dolari in rezerve monetare, Apple a fost criticata pentru ca nu a achizitionat mai multe companii, insa in Cupertino se discuta in mod constant despre acest lucru si in secret se pare ca se fac destule achizitii.