Tim Cook spune ca ecranele OLED nu sunt potrivite pentru iPhone-uri, nu exclude posibila lansare a unui iPhone cu ecran mai mare de 4 inch, vorbeste despre iPhone-ul ieftin

  Ieri v-am spus ca astazi Tim Cook urmeaza sa vorbeasca la Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference si CEO-ul Apple discuta acum despre compania Apple si modul in care a evoluat ea in ultimii ani. Vorbind despre posibila implementare a ecranelor OLED in iPhone-uri, Cook a afirmat ca luminozitatea si saturatia culorilor nu sunt corespunzatoare standardelor impuse de catre companie, acesta fiind motivul pentru care Apple a evitat sa utilizeze tehnologia. Mai mult decat atat, el le recomanda utilizaatorilor sa se gandeasca de 2 ori inainte de a achizitiona un terminal mobil cu display OLED, afirmand ca Retina Display-urile au o luminozitate de doua ori mai buna. In plus, Tim Cook a evitat sa infirme zvonurile privind posibila lansare a unui iPhone cu ecran mai mare de 4 inch, deci orice este posibil in viitor.

I don’t want to say what he will do or won’t do. The way companies compete is with two things, specs and price. In the camera business people say “i have the most megapixels”. Do you know the speed of an AX processor? Does it really matter at the end of the day? You want a fabulous experience when you use the product. If you look at displays, some people ar focused on size. There are a few other things about the display that important. Some peole use OLED displays, the colour saturation is awful. If you buy things online, you should think twice before you depend on the colour of the OLED dislay. The retina display is twice as bright as an OLED display. I only bring these points up to say there are many attributes of a display. Apple sweats every detail. We want the best display. I thick we’ve got it. Im not going to comment on what we’re going to do in the future.

“That’s the only religion that we have, that we must do something great. We want to enrich people’s lives, we sweat the details on those.

  In ceea ce priveste iPhone-urile ieftine, Cook a afirmat ca utilizatorii cer asemenea produse si ca ele vor fi disponibile in viitor. Cook afirma ca utilizatorii cer versiuni ieftine ale unor produse de top, insa compania nu le poate produce ieftin, dar la fel de bune din punct de vedere calitativ, asa ca trebuie sa le regandeasca inainte de a le lansa. Cook a dat exemplul tabletei iPad, care a fost dezvoltata din cauza cererilor facute de catre utilizatorii care doreau un Mac ieftin, iar in cazul iPhone-ului probabil vorbim despre un dispozitiv cu ecran de maxim 3.5 inch care va avea un design nou si va folosi materiale nu foarte scumpe.

Our North Star is making great products. We wouldn’t do anything that’s not a great product. It’s not why we’re on this earth. That said, when you look at what we’ve done for people who are more price sensitive, we’ve lovered the price of iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, and in the December quarter, we didn’t have enough supply of iPhone 4 after we cut the price. It surprised us, as to the level of demand we had for it. So we have made moves to make things more affordable. And if you look at Apple’s history,the iPod started out costing $349. Now you can walk into a store and pick up a Shuffle for just $49. For years, people asked, “Why don’t you have a Mac that’s less than $500 or $1000?” And we worked on this, but we concluded we couldn’t do a great product at that price. But what did we do? We created iPad, which starts at $329. So sometimes, you can take the “issue” and solve it in different ways. But North Star is always great products, not how we hit a price point.