Aeroplanes – jocul “avioane” adus in App Store de catre dezvoltatorul aplicatiei

  In perioada liceului aveam un joculet favorit cu care imi umpleam timpul in orele plictisitoare si noi il numeam “avioane”, iar eu sunt sigur ca multi dintre voi stiu exact despre ce este vorba. Daca va era dor de el si va doreati sa il jucati inclusiv pe iDevice-uri, atunci va anunt ca dezvoltatorul aplicatiei l-a adus in App Store acum nu foarte mult timp. Publicat sub denumirea Aeroplanes, jocul este disponibil gratuit pentru toata lumea si va ofera exact acelasi gameplay pe care il stiati din copilarie. Puteti sa jucati impotriva “calculatorului”care isi genereaza singuri miscarile, insa daca doriti puteti sa jucati inclusiv impotriva unui prieten, asa ca veti putea concura impotriva amicilor vostri fara prea mult efort.

Command your small army of 3 war planes in fights against your friends via GameCenter or against “Frank”, the smart brain we put inside your device for single player mode. They say “lose sight, lose fight”! Not in this case. Games are turn based and progress is always saved. You can face many enemies at once in multiple online games like a brave soldier would.  Two types of planes are waiting on the runway. Choose between small angry planes or big powerful ones. 

What else is there: 

  • an artificial intelligence for single player missions that strikes with no mercy, never cheats and never takes prisoners (we call him “Frank”. General Frank). 
  • Frank masters two difficulty levels, try to beat him on Hard mode if you dare. 
  • leaderboards to compare your skills with other great pilots. 
  • medals and achievements for war heroes. Are you good enough to become “Skymaster”? 
  • spread the news of legendary victories on Facebook and Twitter. 
  • to mark your place in history, the scores against every enemy are recorded and remembered. 
  • use the latest communication technologies to command your squadron on iPhone or iPad. 

  Jocul are implementat inclusiv un modul Game Center, asa ca daca aveti prieteni pasionati de asemenea titluri, va puteti compara kill-urile si skill-ul obtinut de-a lungul timpului. Aeroplanes este disponibil gratuit in App Store si va recomand sa il incercati pentru a va aduce readuce putin aminte de vremurile bune.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Victor Campeanu
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Get your wings and fly to victory in this fun game of strategy.

Command your small army of 3 war planes in fights against your friends via GameCenter or against “Frank”, the smart brain we put inside you…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 12.8 Mb