Fency iti ofera informatii detaliate despre datele la care ai vizitat anumite locatii

  Fency este o aplicatie lansata in cursul acestei zile in App Store, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti obtine informatii detalitate despre perioadele de timp petrecute in anumite locatii, dar si despre datele in care le-ati vizitat. Avand o interfata intuitiva, aplicatia ne spune cand am vizitat ultima oara o anumita locatie si cat timp a trecut de la acea vizita, ne ofera o lista detaliata cu locatii vizitate si perioadele de timp petrecute in ele, plus o lista detaliata pe luni cu timpii petrecut in totalitatea locatiilor vizitate de catre noi.

When did I leave the pub last night? You left the office and forgot to write down working hours? How long have I been to the gym last month in total? You forgot how much time you spent visiting a customer? Do I neglect my girl- or boyfriend by partying to much? No desire to note down your working hours every day? Got ya? Then just let me answer these questions for you. Choose locations, mark them and the rest is up to me! I offer automatic, location-based time registration. You won’t be bothered by a manual log on or off, everything happens automatically, optimized on power-saving and in the background.

  Fency est eo buna metoda de a sti mereu cat timp petreceti pe drumuri in fiecare luna, aplicatia fiind disponibila in App Store intr-un format compatibil cu iPhone/iPod Touch.

Pretul initial:
Fency – location-based time tracking



Developer: Andreas Grauel
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: When did I leave the pub last night You left the office and forgot to write down working hours How long have I been to the gym last month in total You forgot how much time you spent visiting a customer Do …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 1.6 Mb