Skull Legends – un nou tower defense diferit pentru platforma iOS

  Skull Legends este un nou tower defense game lansat in cursul noptii trecute in App Store-ul companiei Apple, insa el vine cu cateva elemente noi fata de alte titluri din aceeasi categorie. Dezvoltatorii sau au implementat in acest titlu si elemente disponibile in jocurile first person shooter sau in RPG-uri, astfel ca voi veti putea controla intr-un nou mod gameplay-ul jocului. Titlul are desigur un motor grafic bine gandit si demn de recent lansatele iDevice-uri, asa ca veti avea parte de o experienta cat se poate de buna.

Defend yourself with towers, shoot your powerful bow and don’t let the skeleton warriors cross your battle lines! A brilliant evolution of classic tower defense, combining first person shooter and elements of role-play. Strategy and action like you’ve never experienced before. Arm yourself with incredible bows, combat bracers with unique powers, arrows and fantastic magic potions. Stand your ground against the attack of the skeleton warriors. Enter the battleground firing and customize your defense strategy with the help of specialized towers and blockades.
Enter into a fantastic, epic world with incredible 3D graphics. Choose the ideal towers and weapons according to the enemy you’ll confront in each battle and don’t let the enemy troops cross your lines. If you have the makings of a hero, you won’t be short of opportunities to prove it here!

  Skull Legends este disponibil in App Store intr-un format compatibil cu iPhone si iPod Touch.

Pretul initial:
Skull Legends



Developer: Playshore, S.L.
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Defend yourself with towers, shoot your powerful bow and dont let the skeleton warriors cross your battle lines!
A brilliant evolution of classic tower defense, combining first person shooter and elements of role-play. Strategy and action like youve never…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 119.6 Mb