AntiSquad – infrunta criminali periculosi intr-un nou joc pentru platforma iOS (Video)


  AntiSquad este un nou joc lansat in cursul noptii trecite in App Store-ul companiei Apple si vorbim despre un turn-based tactical game in care veti avea ocazia de a lupta impotriva unor criminali periculosi folosind un arsenal diversificat pus la dispozitie de catre dezvoltatori. Primele doua campanii ale jocului este baza in Vestul Salbatic al secolului 21 cand cartelurile conduc intreaga zona, dar si in buncare subterane din Asia de Est. Jocul are un motor grafic special conceput pentru a va oferi ocazia de a beneficia de o experienta de joc cat se poate de buna, insa in aceeasi idee a fost implementat si un sistem care permite personalizarea caracterelor principale, asa ca ramane doar ca voi sa va distrati in timp ce va distrugeti inamicii.

‘AntiSquad’ is a spectacular action game with a rich tactical palette and a substantial arsenal of gaming opportunities.  The game takes place nowadays, in locations where an ordinary person is unlikely to have a desire to go … but precisely where any self-respected player would like to be! The action of the first two campaigns will unfold in the Wild West prairies of the 21st century, where drug cartels call the shots, and in East Asia secret underground bunkers, carefully hiding from the outside world execution of the villains’ evil plans…


  • Turn-based tactics… The game is yours to command
  • Stunning visuals… It pleases the eyes
  • Fascinating story… To tell before bedtime
  • Memorable characters… It’s hard to pass by without noticing them
  • Character specialization… Choose your path
  • A wide variety of gears and weapons… For each taste and colour
  • Challenges and Achievements… Making it hard for you
  • Atmospheric soundtrack… Hear the sound of awesomeness? 

  AntiSquad este disponibil in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:



Developer: BULKYPIX
Categoria: Games

Descriere: What happens every time you find yourself facing criminality, outlaws and troublemakers
Shout Run Weep Call the police maybe
No! You keep a low profile hoping to stay invisible to the threat.

However it’s not how we do it. We loathe the scum that think …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 173.2 Mb