Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project a fost lansat in App Store Romania (Video)


  V-am spus saptamana trecuta ca jocurl Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project urmeaza sa fie lansat in App Store in cursul acestei zile, iar acum el este disponibil pentru achizitie in App Store Romania. Dupa cum v-am spus inca de atunci, aceasta versiune a jocului este practic un port al titlului lansat cu mai bine de un deceniu in urma pentru PC-uri, el fiind doar optimizat pentru terminale mobile. Rolul vostru in joc va fi de al il controla pe eroul principal, Duke Nukem, intr-un razboi purtat cu mech Morphix pentru a salva New York City de creaturile concepute de catre acesta din urma.

Duke Nukem takes his Mighty Boot to the Big Apple. Using G.L.O.P.P. (Gluon Liquid Omega-Phased Plasma), the maniacal Mech Morphix has transformed the creatures of New York City into an army of bloodthirsty mutants. In Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, Duke must deploy W.I.N. (Weapons, Insults and Name-Calling) to rid the city of goo-based bad guys, and return peace and tranquility to The City That Never Sleeps. 

From babes, bombs and Battlelords, to goggles, guns and Gargoyles, revisit Duke’s dynasty with these re-released classics. Return to a time when the King Of Action didn’t need regenerative health or auto-aim – a time when action games were actually about action, an era when heroes had the strength to carry as many guns as they wanted and use as many cheats as they needed. 

  Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project este disponibil in format universal in App Store Romania.

Pretul initial:
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project



Developer: Spawn Studios, Lda
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Total Mutant Mayhem on iOS!

Duke Nukem takes his Mighty Boot to the Big Apple. Using G.L.O.P.P. (Gluon Liquid Omega-Phased Plasma), the maniacal Mech Morphix has transformed the creatures of New York City into an army of bloodthirsty mutants. In Duke Nu…

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