Auto AppTranslate traduce in timp real orice aplicatie instalata in iOS 7

  Auto AppTranslate este o aplicatie lansata acum aproape 2 ani de zile in Cydia, ea permitandu-ne sa traducem interfata oricarei aplicatii instalate in terminalele noastre. Aplicatia a fost actualizata pentru a fi compatibila cu iOS 7 si ppoate traduce texte inclusiv in limba romana, nu poate traduce elementele grafice in care nu este prezent text, insa orice este scris in meniul unei aplicatii ar trebui sa poata fi tradus. Aplicatia te poate intreba daca doresti sa traduci o anumita aplicatie prin afisarea unei alerte cand deschizi acea aplicatie, insa ai optiunea de a alege ca toate aplicatiile sa fie traduse automat cand le deschizi.

Automatically translate any application on your device in real-time. Automatic App translator can work in 3 states:

  1. Prompt for Translation – Will ask your confirmation for translation before the application launches. it will only prompt if the application does not support the local device language.<br>
  2. Auto Translate – Will force translation of the application when it is launched without asking any confirmation.
  3. Real-Time Translation – When the application does not support the language of the device, it will automatically translate the texts in the application as they appear on screen (at real-time!). making it the ultimate translation machine.

Every application will use the global settings you setup in the Auto AppTranslate application unless you enter the specific app settings and override the global settings from there. Changes on an application will only occur if they are not running in the background. so make sure you close the application from background if you want to apply new setting to a specific application.

  Auto AppTranslate este disponibila la pretul de 3$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.