augmented afiseaza peste Springboard imagini in timp real preluate de camera

  augmented este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem afisa peste Springboard-ul iDevice-urilor noastre un feed video in timp real preluat folosind camera terminalelor noastre. Dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imaginea de mai sus, wallpaper-ul care ar putea fi in mod normal afisat in Springboard-ul iDevice-urilor noastre este inlocuit cu un feed video live preluat folosind camera, tweak-ul avand un meniu de setari care permite activarea sau dezactivarea functionalitatii sale.

Unleash your springboard with live video feed from your camera presented instead of your wallpaper so you’ll never get tired of your wallpaper again! Tested only on the iPhone 5S but should work on the 5 and 5C also. Enable and configure in Settings. You can apply any static wallpaper but I reccomend applying the same one on both lockscreen and homescreen so the feed will be displayed on both of them.

  augmented este disponibil la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.