Dragon Raiders – controleaza-ti propriul dragon intr-un nou joc pentru iPhone si iPad (Video)


  Dragon Raiders este un joculet lansat in cursul acestei saptamani in App Store, iar dupa cum puteti observa si din gameplay trailerul de mai sus, rolul vostru va fi de a controla un dragon. Dragon Raiders este denumirea unui grup special de combatanti care trebuie sa asigure securitatea locuitorilor Landslandiei, acestia fiind amenintati de catre Wobblinii caer incearca sa le cucereasca taramul.

You have joined the Dragon Raiders — a special group tasked with ensuring the safety of the inhabitants of Landslandia from any and all threats. The Wobblin menace was once stopped by this trio and their friends, but they’ve once again appeared to cause mischief and mayhem wherever they go… But something is different this time. The Wobblins now have enormous Megawobblins assisting them.

  Pentru a va indeplini obiectivele veti avea la dispozitie o gama foarte variata de dragoni pe care va trebui sa ii cresteti pana la maturitate pentru ca mai apoi sa ii folositi in batalii epice. Fiecare dragon poate fi personalizat si invatat diverse trucuri de-a lungul timpului, experienta castigata de catre el fiind fundamentala in castigarea bataliilor impotriva monstrilor folositi de catre Wobblini impotriva voastra.

Take control of Melty, Pokey, and Frosty and embark on an all-new adventure. Fly and dodge your way through dozens of levels, each with its own unique perils, obstacles, and goals, in this fast-paced flying adventure game. And take down the Megawobblins in epic, innovative boss fights through three entirely unique environments. As the dragons embark on their adventure, they will grow and evolve as Raiders.

  Dragon Raiders este disponibil pentru DOWNLOAD in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Dragon Raiders



Developer: Team Chaos LLC
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Save the world of Landslandia from the Megawobblins in this gorgeous, fast-paced level-based flying adventure game.

You have joined the Dragon Raiders a special group tasked with ensuring the safety of the inhabitants of Landslandia from any and all thr…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 90.4 Mb