iOS 8.2 beta 3 changelog dezvaluie noutatile implementate de Apple

iOS 8.2 beta

  Apple a lansat iOS 8.2 beta 3 cu doar cateva zeci de minute in urma pentru posesorii de iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, noua versiune a sistemului de operare fiind disponibila pentru dezvoltatorii de aplicatii pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch. Din pacate compania Apple nu a mentionat in informatiile oferite la actualizare ce tip de modificari a implementat pentru dezvoltatori, insa a publicat un changelog detaliat in portalul dedicat acestora pe website-ul sau.

  In baza acestui changelog putem afla noutatile iOS 8.2 beta 3, adica tot ceea ce a schimbat Apple la suprafata sau in interiorul sistemului de operare, majoritatea modificarilor fiind facute in ceea ce priveste codul sursa si nu functiile vizibile. iOS 8.2 beta 3 este doar una dintre versiunile beta lansate de catre compania Apple pentru iOS 8.2, cei din Cupertino oferind aceasta versiune a sistemului de operare pentru dezvoltatorii dornici sa testeze aplicatiile pentru Apple Watch.

iOS 8.2 beta 3 changelog

Notes and Known Issues

The following issues relate to using iOS SDK 8.2 to develop code.



A single CKAsset instance can no longer be set as a value on multiple CKRecords.

Document Providers


  • Your app needs the iCloud entitlement to be able to be used as a document provider.

  • The entitlement is required.

Known Issues

  • After rotating the document picker to landscape, the status bar is hidden.

  • Upon bringing up the document picker in landscape, the containing view may be shifted beneath the navigation bar.

App Extensions


  • App extensions need an arm64 slice to run on 64-bit devices. If you try to run the armv7 slice on a 64-bit device it won’t work.

  • Apps need to have an arm64 slice if the bundle contains a framework that both the app and the app extension link against.

File System


The file system layout of app containers has changed on disk. Rather than relying on hard-coded directory structure, use the NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains function or the URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error: method of the NSFileManagerclass. See Accessing Files and Directories in File System Programming Guide.



The Thai system font has increased in size to improve readability. This will cause clipping in many places in your UI if you don’t take appropriate action:

  1. Use UILabel as much as possible. If you use Interface Builder, make sure that Clip Subviews is not checked. UIKit will grow the clipping region as necessary to not clip text.

  2. Use Dynamic Type. This will ensure that you do not have overlapping glyphs in multiline labels or text fields.

If you can’t do 1 and 2 because you implement your own views, you must implement measures not to clip. You can use CoreText to figure out the appropriate clipping region for a line of text by calling:

CTLineGetBoundsWithOptions(lineRef, kCTLineBoundsIncludeLanguageExtents);

To avoid overlapping glyphs in multiline text elements, adjust the line height. An additional 30% is recommended.

This measure will also help your app perform better in other languages, including Arabic, Hindi, and Vietnamese.



Mail handoff and AirDrop may stop working after changing your iCloud password at

Workaround: Sign out and back into iCloud on the device.

iCloud Drive


URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier: might return nil when running your application in Xcode. If so, open System Preferences, navigate to iCloud > iCloud Drive, and enable Xcode.


Fixed in Beta 3

Your device may get into a state where tapping into Messages conversations can take a long time.

Notification Center


The schedule and intended use of widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler: is intended as a convenient home for all data/model update logic. If implemented, the system will call at opportune times for the widget to update its state, both when Notification Center is visible, as well as in the background. An implementation is required to enable background updates. It’s expected that the widget will perform the work to update asynchronously and off the main thread as much as possible. Widgets should call the argument block when the work is complete, passing the appropriate NCUpdateResult. Widgets should NOT block returning from viewWillAppear: on the results of this operation. Instead, widgets should load cached state in viewWillAppear: in order to match the state of the view from the last viewWillDisappear:, then transition smoothly to the new data when it arrives.



The NSURLSessionTask class provides a new “priority” property with three associated constants: NSURLSessionTaskPriorityDefault, NSURLSessionTaskPriorityLow, and NSURLSessionTaskPriorityHigh. NSURLSessionTask priorities can be used to specify how multiple requests and responses to the same host should be prioritized. Note that the priority is a hint and not a strict guarantee of NSURLSessionTask performance.

For complete usage details of NSURLSessionTask priorities, refer to the NSURLSession.h header file, which is provided by the Foundation framework.



To activate Wi-Fi Calling functionality for T-Mobile (U.S. only), follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings > Phone > Wi-Fi Calling.

  • Toggle the Wi-Fi Calling switch to ON.

  • If the carrier does not have the user’s registered emergency address, you will be asked to add it before the feature is activated.



  • Maintain a backup of your photo library before enabling and while using iCloud Photo Library beta by:

    • Importing to your Mac using iPhoto

    • Importing to your Mac using Image Capture

  • iCloud Photo Library beta will not download photos and videos that were synced to your device from iTunes. Any photos and videos synced to your device from iTunes will be removed when you enable iCloud Photo Library beta.

  • iPhoto for iOS will not launch on iOS 8 beta. Launching will migrate your iPhoto edits to the iOS 8 Photo Library. Make sure your iPhoto for iOS data is included in your device backup.

  • The ability to automatically optimize device space is enabled for all accounts larger than 5GB.

  • When using iCloud Family Sharing, both iCloud Photo Sharing and My Photo Stream are enabled.

Provisioning Profiles

Known Issue

If you have upgraded to the 8.2 beta from previous iOS 8 betas you may see your apps crashing due to provisioning profile issues.


  1. Connect the device via USB to your Mac.

  2. Launch Xcode.

  3. Choose Window > Devices.

  4. Right click on the device in left column, choose “Show Provisioning Profiles”.

  5. Click on the provisioning profile in question.

  6. Press the “-” button.

  7. Continue to removing all affected profiles.

  8. Re-install the app.



  • UILabel has a default value of YES for clipsToBounds. This differs from the normal UIView default of NO.

  • The leftLayoutGuide and rightLayoutGuide APIs have been removed. Please use the layoutMargins property instead.



  • The WKInterfaceMap API has changed. Specifically, setMapRect: and setCoordinateRegion: have been replaced by setVisibleMapRect: and setRegion: respectively.

  • The WKInterfaceController method initWithContext: has been deprecated. Please use awakeWithContext: instead. The designated initializer for WKInterfaceController is now init.

  • The WKInterfaceDevice API has changed. Specifically, addCachedImage:name: and addCachedImageWithData:name: now return BOOL to indicate the success or failure of adding an image to the cache. Note that these methods return NO if the cache size has reached its limit. Delete images from the cache by calling removeCachedImageWithName: or removeAllCachedImages.

  • A page-based WatchKit app can dynamically resequence the pages at the root level using reloadRootControllersWithNames:contexts:.

  • Rows in a WKInterfaceTable now have a default appearance. This appearance can be overridden by specifying the values for background color, margin, corner radius, and height for the row in Interface Builder.

Fixed in Beta 3

  • In iOS Simulator, the Emoji button should now be visible, regardless of the selected input mode.

  • The WKInterfaceController method openParentApplication:reply: now launches the containing app in the background when the iPhone (or iOS Simulator) is unlocked or locked.

  • The WKInterfaceController method presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestions:completion: is now fully supported in iOS Simulator.

Known Issue

  • Inserting, deleting, or updating rows of a WKInterfaceTable may cause the table to temporarily size incorrectly. Scrolling your interface controller should restore the table to the proper size.

Wi-Fi Calling (T-Mobile US only)


The carrier name in the status bar will show “T-Mobile Wi-Fi” when the device is able to make and receive Wi-Fi calls.


  1. După update la 8.1.2 mai are cineva problema cu aprinsul ecranului la ureche in timp ce vorbești atunci când te suna cineva sau primesti un sms ? La mine nu a dispărut si am mai găsit un bug – uneori când ma suna cineva , telefonul nu suna, il văd doar dacă e pe masa in fata mea când se aprinde ecranul….
    Zaone știi ceva de aceste probleme ?

  2. Cateodata patesc si eu la fel pe 7.1.2,daca nu-vad nu se aude daca ma suna cineva.Problemele de azi sunt vechi, mai exact dupa IOS 6.S-a cam prostit APPLE…