The Witcher Battle Arena a fost lansat in App Store

The Witcher Battle Arena

  The Witcher Battle Arena a fost lansat la sfarsitul acestei saptamani in App Store-ul companiei Apple, versiunea disponibila acum fiind un port al versiunii pentru iPad. The Witcher Battle Arena este un joc online in care aveti posibilitatea de a concura cu alti jucatori in serverele companiei dezvoltatoare, scopul fiind de a va ucide oponentii.

  In joc veti putea controla eroi cu puteri speciale, titlul permitandu-ne sa ne combinam in echipe de doi sau trei eroi care se pot lupta in arene speciale. Fiecare dintre meciurile pe care le puteti juca nu au o durata mai mare de 10 minute si daca doriti puteti sa va luptati inclusiv singuri, nu doar in echipe cu alte prieteni.

  • Action packed gameplay – Short and intense matches that you can complete in less than 10 minutes –perfect for on-the-go gaming.
  • Solo and team play ready – Challenge your friends, team up against bots or try to beat our AI on your own (no internet connection required).
  • Hero progression – Each character offers unique skills and a different playing style – and you’ll unlock new skills as you play, opening up even more ways to crush your opponents. Try out various strategies as your heroes progress, pick your favorite mix of skills and hone your tactics in the arena.
  • Free gaming done right – You can unlock everything in the Battle Arena just by playing. You’ll gain access to new heroes and items as a fast and fun part of normal gameplay – no grinding or endless waiting required. If you ever want something right away, you can purchase it for a reasonable price.

  The Witcher Battle Arena este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA in format universal in App Store.