BioProtect – permite protejarea aplicatiilor si ascunderea numelor apelantilor folosind Touch ID (Video)

BioProtect Caller ID

  BioProtect este un tweak prezentat de catre mine anu trecut cand v-am spus ca prin intermediul sau puteti proteja aplicatiile iOS 7 folosind Touch ID. Practic acest tweak ne permite sa implementam o metoda de securizare a aplicatiilor folosindu-ne amprenta, astfel ca nimeni nu le va putea accesa daca nu are amprenta inregistrata in iOS 7 sau iOS 8. Tweak-ul are un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings, iar prin el putem personaliza aspectul animatiilor, aplicatiile pentru care dorim protectie, optiunea de a actiona motorul vibrator cand amprenta nu este cea corecta si cam atat.

  • Resolved an issue that appeared after latest update of FlipSwitch with BioProtect not protecting flip switches
  • Fixed an issue that when switching between protected applications, it required authentication twice
  • Fixed an issue that could result in inability to authenticate using Touch ID and force a device lock if no passcode was set to the device
  • Fixed Touch ID sensor randomly failing to activate
  • Fixed protected applications not exiting after unlocking the device to the last opened protected application
  • Fixed protected folders remaining open after exiting an application and returning to the currently open folder
  • Animation improvements
  • Touch ID speed improvements
  • Added option to protect the Caller ID from appearing on an incoming call and to require a Touch ID in order for it to show up. You will find several options in settings.
  • Added more info in the Trusted WiFi Networks page. You may now see the saved WiFi password of the networks you have joined and even copy it to the clipboard by tapping on it.

  Tweak-ul a fost actualizat pentru a fi compatibil cu iOS 8, el aducand rezolvari pentru o multitudine de probleme, insa si optiunea de a ascunde numele apelantului pana in momentul in care ne autorizam cu o amprenta. Mai exact, in momentul in care suntem sunati, avem afisata doar interfata care ne alerteaza in legatura cu acest lucru, insa abia dupa ce ne autorizam amprenta vom afla efectiv cine ne suna. BioProtect este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE la pretul de 3$ din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.