Launcher – una dintre cele mai utile aplicatii revine in App Store

Launcher with Notification Center Widget

  Launcher este una dintre cele mai utile aplicatii lansate vreodata pentru iOS, ea fiind disponibila de ceva vreme in magazinul companiei Apple si oferindu-ne posibilitatea de a folosi un widget pentru Notifications Center in ideea de a accesa mai rapid aplicatiile. In imaginea de mai sus aveti prezentata functionalitatea de baza a Launcher, ea afisand in widget-ul sau 8 sau mai multe aplicatii pe care le utilizam des, ele putand fi accesate de acolo printr-o simpla apasare pe ecran.

  Separat de accesarea aplicatiilor, Launcher contine o multitudine de optiuni pentru deschiderea de pagini web, accesarea aplicatiei Messages pentru a trimite mesaje, apelarea rapida de contacte si multe, multe altele, totul direct prin widget-ul disponibil in Notifications Center. Launcher are disponibile functii suplimentare intr-o versiune Pro, aceasta permitand adaugarea mai multor aplicatii sau optiuni in widget-ul Notifications Center-ului, insa va trebui sa platiti 4 euro pentru a beneficia de el.

  • Call, message, email, and facetime the people you contact the most.
  • Get directions home or search for nearby restaurants, coffee shops, or whatever you’re looking for at your current location.
  • Quickly access your favorite web sites.
  • Perform actions within a number of apps. Send a Yo, load a specific page on Facebook, fire off a canned email, tweet, run Workflows, and more.
  • Launch your most frequently used apps — thousands of apps built-in. (NOTE: Not all apps on your device are supported, see the NOTE below)
  • Innovative auto-setup of launchers which will set up contact launchers for the people most important to you and your most frequently used apps.
  • Incredibly easy setup and editing of launchers. Just a few taps and you’re done.
  • Many different icon choices so that you can configure each launcher just how you like it.
  • Ability to create custom launchers for apps and actions that aren’t yet supported.
  • Pro Version users get the ability to change the icon sizes and hide labels to make widget more compact.

  Launcher este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA in format universal din App Store.