Tim Cook anunta reduceri substantiale pentru Apple Watch, un numar impresionant de aplicatii

Tim Cook Apple Watch mana

  Tim Cook a trimis in cursul noptii trecute  un memoriu intern angajatilor diviziei retail ai companiei Apple multumindu-le pentru tot efortul depus in dezvoltarea produsului, anuntand ca procesul de proba pentru ceasul inteligent va incepe vineri in 400 de Apple Store-uri. Printre vorbele de lauda, Tim Cook si-a anuntat angajatii ca vor beneficia de o reducere de 50% in cazul achizitionarii Apple Watch Sport sau al modelului din otel inoxidabil, cei interesati sa cumpere Apple Watch Edition urmand a primi o reducere de 550 de dolari, sau aproximativ 5% din pretul de vanzare al celui mai ieftin model vandut.

  Oferta este valabila timp de 90 de zile pentru angajatii Apple, Tim Cook sustinand ca dorinta companiei este ca ai sai angajati sa aiba ocazia de a cumpara un ceas inteligent pentru a-si impartasi experienta cu lumea intreaga si a incuraja cat mai multe persoane sa cumpere produsul din Apple Store-uri. Separat de toate acestea, Tim Cook sustine ca peste 1000 de aplicatii pentru Apple Watch au fost trimise spre publicare in App Store in doar 4 zile, tot mai multi dezvoltatori fiind interesati sa isi vada titlurile disponibile pentru posesorii de iDevice-uri care probabil vor cumpara noul ceas inteligent al celor din Cupertino.

  Mai jos aveti memoriul intern integral trimis de catre Tim Cook.


The day we’ve all been waiting for is almost here: Apple Watch is ready to ship.

Our retail stores are training for a whole new way to engage customers and help them experience Apple’s most personal product yet. On Friday, in over four hundred stores across four continents, we’ll open our doors to people who want to try on Apple Watch for the first time and start deciding which one is right for them.

Tens of millions of people have seen our keynotes and demonstration videos about the watch, and there’s much more to come. Some of the most innovative developers in the world are working on new experiences designed specifically for Apple Watch. More than one thousand apps were submitted in just four days last week when the App Store started accepting them, and the rate of submissions has only been climbing since then.

I know that many of you have been looking forward to choosing an Apple Watch for yourselves, and we want to make it easy for you. Starting Friday, in countries where the watch is available for pre-order, a special Employee Purchase Plan will offer a 50% discount on any Apple Watch or Apple Watch Sport for your personal use.

As we introduce the watch in more countries, the special pricing for employees will be offered in those countries as well. Discounts will begin at pre-order and last for 90 days after availability. AppleWeb has more details, so I invite you to check it out.

Our products enrich people’s lives like no others, and we think Apple Watch is going to delight our customers in ways people can’t yet imagine. We want you to share in that experience right alongside them.

Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard for years to help this product reach our customers. And thanks in advance to the thousands of retail employees around the world who will start placing it on people’s wrists starting Friday.
