Mousai implementeaza noi functii pentru Apple Music

MousaiMousai este un nou tweak pentru posesorii de iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-uri, el fiind special creat pentru cei care folosesc Apple Music pe dispozitivele pe care au facut jailbreak sistemului de operare iOS 8.

Conform dezvoltatorulului tweak-ului Mousai, acesta ne permite sa ascundem sectiunea connect, desi acest lucru poate fi facut folosind aceasta metoda, putem ascunde sageata afisata peste coperta ualbumelor, putem ascunde notificarea din status bar privind melodia rulata, putem face skip infinit pentru piesele radio si multe altele.

Mousai or (Muses) were the Greek goddesses of music, dance, and poetry. With Mousai you can clean up the new iOS 8.4 music app or like Apple likes to call it “Apple Music” well whatever you call it there’s always features you’d like to hide and/or disable but sadly Apple doesn’t allow this…

  • Hide the Connect tab
  • Hide the Arrow on album art view while playing (native swipe gestures are still enabled)
  • Hide the status bar while playing music
  • Unlimited Radio Skipping
  • Hide recently played
  • and Hide the radio tab (because not all use this feature)

Mousai este disponibil pentru descarcare gratuita din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.