Haiti a fost filmat in fomat 4K cu iPhone 6S Plus

Haiti filmat 4K iPhone 6S PlusApple continua promovarea camerei iPhone 6S Plus astazi cu realizarea unui fotograf profesionist care a filmat Haiti in format 4K povestind in acelasi timp si viata unuia dintre locuitorii unui cartier sarac al Port-Au-Prince.

Jalouzi este numele cartierului despre care vorbim, iar filmarea 4K realizata folosind iPhone 6S Plus ne prezinta viata grea pe care locuitorii sai o duc in urma dezastrului care s-a petrecut cu cativa ani in urma, compania Apple alegandu-si foarte bine metodele de prezentare ale produselor sale.

The film tells the story of one citizen from Jalouzi, one of the largest slums in Haiti, who is determined to bring color to the impoverished area by helping paint the entire town, literally. Believing that color has the power to transform his community, he’s helping to paint everywhere – on houses, on buses, and the entire hillside. Armed with brushes of bright blues, pastel pinks, and sunshine yellows, he’s helping to mobilize citizens of all ages, determined to turn the grey town into a rainbow full of color to lead the way to a brighter Haiti.