Tim Cook vorbeste despre Apple Watch si Apple Car

Tim Cook combinare iOS si OS XTim Cook a anuntat astazi numarul de abonati ai Apple Music si data de lansare Apple TV 4, insa el a oferit detalii inclusiv despre Apple Watch si Apple Car, masina pe care compania Apple ar urma sa o lanseze cel mai devreme in anul 2017, daca toate planurile se vor desfasura asa cum doreste conducerea din Cupertino.

Compania Apple a refuzat sa ofere detalii privind vanzarile Apple Watch pana in momentul de fata, iar Tim Cook a refuzat in continuare sa ofere o cifra privind vanzarile ceasului inteligent din momentul lansarii pana acum, spunand ca aceastea sunt informatii care ajuta concurenta.

Tim Cook a fost de acord sa spuna doar ca Apple Watch a inregistrat vanzari foarte bune in primul trimestru fiscal de disponibilitate, ele crescand in al doilea trimestru fiscal de disponibilitatea, Apple estimand ca vanzarile vor creste in continuare in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna.

We are not announcing the numbers. This is competitive information. I don’t want to help the competition. We shipped a lot the first quarter, then last quarter we shipped even more.  I can predict this quarter we will ship even more. People love the health and fitness aspect of Watch.

Intrebat despre Apple Car, masina Apple, Tim Cook a vorbit in principal despre CarPlay, spunand ca software-ul va avea un rol tot mai important in masinile viitorului si este clar ca masina dezvoltata de catre companie va pune foarte mare accent pe acest sistem.

Separat Tim Cook a afirmat ca masinile autonome devin din ce in ce mai importante, diverse zvonuri spunand ca Apple dezvolta un asemenea automobil, insa desigur ca nu au fost oferite detalii cu privire la posibila lor dezvoltare sau lansare pe piata.

When I look at the automobile, what I see is that software becomes an increasingly important part of the car of the future. You see that autonomous driving becomes much more important. It seems like there will be massive change in that industry. We want people to have an iPhone experience in their car. We look at a lot of things. Our model is to reduce that list to a few. We will see what we do in the future. I do think that industry is at an inflection point for massive change, not just evolutionary change.