BattleHand este cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store

BattleHand este jocul ales de catre compania Apple pentru promovare in sectiunea celei mai bune aplicatii a saptamanii in App Store, el fiind un RPG gratuit care creeaza dependenta.

BattleHandApple a anuntat cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store in cursul zilei de ieri, cei din Cupertino promovand un titlu grozav pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile utilizatorilor din lumea intreaga.

BattleHand este cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store recomandata de catre compania Apple si dupa cum puteti vedea din imaginea de mai sus, vorbim despre un joc interesant disponibil pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile din lumea intreaga.

In BattleHand noi avem rolul de a recruta o armata de eroi pe care va trebui sa ii controlam in atacurile pe care le vom coordona impotriva minionilor Reginei Ametist, taramul FellCrest fiind campul unor batalii care ne vor pune spiritul strategic la incercare.

Join the battle! Recruit your team of heroes, lead powerful attacks, and defeat the evil minions of Queen Amethyst in this addictive and free to play 3D action RPG! The dreaded Queen has awoken and with her, the foul creatures that lie beneath the peaceful land of FellCrest. But all is not lost! The forgotten heroes of this land who had long ago put up their swords and bows are back and ready to fight in pursuit of honor and justice!

BattleHand este un RPG, deci va trebui sa aveti grija ca fiecare dintre eroi sa evolueze si sa isi puna in valoare puterile pe care dezvoltatorii le-au creat, upgrade-ul speciale fiind disponibile dupa fiecare victorie, multiple moduri de lupta fiind disponibile, inclusiv unele online.

  • Epic free-to-download strategy adventure RPG (Role Playing Game)
  • Recruit and train an army of legendary Heroes to take to victory!
  • Unlock and upgrade unique special moves for each Hero
  • Multiple battle modes, including Player vs Player challenges and survival modes
  • Collect, level up and evolve powerful cards on your way to build the perfect BattleHand
  • Adventure through mystical lands, discover new locations and defeat despicable creatures!
  • Perfect your combat strategy using elemental strengths and weaknesses for all Heroes and Villains
  • Complete epic quests for stinky cheese and stardust!
  • Stunning 3D animation and easy to learn tactical combat

BattleHand este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA, in format universal, din App Store.