Iata cat de usor poate fi pacalit cititorul de amprente al unui smartphone

In momentul de fata exista o multitudine de smartphone-uri care au cititoare de amprente incorporate, producatorii lor sustinand ca acestea sunt imposibil de spart, insa niciunul nu a negat public faptul ca hardware-ul poate fi pacalit de catre persoane pricepute.

Cercetatorii universitatii Michigan au creat un clip video in care demonstreaza o tehnica pe care au folosit-o pentru a pacali un cititor de amprente in doar 15 minute, procedura fiind utilizata pentru doua terminale Android, insa teoretic ar trebui sa functioneze si pe iPhone.

Procedura are la baza o imagine cu amprenta inregistrata deja in terminal dar si o imprimanta capabila sa printeze hartii folosind cerneala care conduce electricitatea, iar din acest punct cred ca intelegeti cat de usor se face totul.

Cercetatorii au demonstrat ca metoda este posibila, insa ei nu sunt primii deoarece in trecut altii au facut acelasi lucru, problema cea mai mare in toata aceasta ecuatie fiind obtinerea amprentei inregistrate deja in terminal de catre proprietar.

Avand in vedere dificultatea in a obtine o copie a amprentei corecte inregistrate de catre proprietar, metodele de acest gen au sanse mici de a fi reproduse in lumea reala, exceptie facand persoanele extrem de importante sau periculoase.

In summary, we have proposed a simple, fast and effective method to generate 2D fingerprint spoofs that can successfully hack built-in fingerprint authentication in mobile phones. Furthermore, hackers can easily generate a large number of spoofs using fingerprint reconstruction or synthesis techniques which is easier than 2.5D fingerprint spoofs. This experiment further confirms the urgent need for antispoofing techniques for fingerprint recognition systems, especially for mobile devices which are being increasingly used for unlocking the phone and for payment. It should be noted that not all the mobile phones can be hacked using proposed method. As the phone manufactures develop better anti-spoofing techniques, the proposed method may not work for the new models of mobile phones. However, it is only a matter of time before hackers develop improved hacking strategies not just for fingerprints, but other biometric traits as well that are being adopted for mobile phones (e.g., face, iris and voice).