PersonalSpotLight personalizeaza sistemul de cautare al iPhone

Sistemul de cautare al iPhone si iPad este menit sa usureze munca de a descoperi informatii disponibile in iOS, insa el nu este gandit pentru a fi chiar pe placul tuturor, iar pentru a rezolva aceasta problema a aparut un tweak numit PersonalSpotLight.

Conform dezvoltatorului PersonalSpotLight, pachetul sau ne ofera posibilitatea de a personaliza modul in care arata sistemul de cautare al iOS, tweak-ul sau avand o gama extrem de variata de optiuni pe care le putem controla printr-un meniu de setari al aplicatiei Configurari, Settings.

Folosind PersonalSpotLight putem sa: sterge cautarile la inchiderea Spotlight, afisam tastatura la atingerea unui rezultat de cautari, dezactiam deschiderea de aplicatii, ascundem iconita pentru dictare si multe, multe altele pe care le aveti listate mai jos.

  1. Clear Search On Dismiss: it clears the field of the previous searching when you come back to the spotlight.
  2. KeyBoard Shows On Tap Search: it shows the KeyBoard only when you tap on the field of searching.
  3. Cancel Button Only Exit KeyBoard: it dismisses the KeyBoard (and clears the text too). With this option enabled press Home to exit from the swipe down Spotlight.
  4. Disable Cancel Button: it disables the taping on the Cancel Button.
  5. Disable Pull Down Gesture: it disables the Spotlight by pulling down Gesture.
  6. Disable Swipe Right Gesture: it disables the Spotlight by swiping right Gesture to the Minus Page.
  7. Disable Apps Launch: it disables the opening of the Apps (they can still be searched and viewed).
  8. Disable Show More Feature: it disables the Show More Option (the label can still be viewed and tapped but not working).
  9. Hide Blur On Left Minus Page: It hides the Blur on the background of the swipe right Minus Page Spotlight.
  10. Hide Dictation Icon: it hides the little Dictation’s Icon at the top right in the searching field.
  11. Hide Show More Feature Label: it hides (and consequently disables) the label of the Show More Option.
  12. Lighten BG On Swipe Down: it lights up the background of the swipe down Spotlight.

PersonalSpotLight este disponibila pentru descarcare din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia urmand acest link.
