AliveCor Heart Monitor – Aplicatia ce ar putea inlocui monitoarele de echograf

Cercetatorii, cu intentia de a oferi pacientilor bolnavi cu inima, care au nevoie pentru a monitoriza rapid si eficient bataile inimii, neregulate, o solutie mai usoara, au descoperit o aplicatie smartphone de urmarire a palpitatiilor, care ofera performante comparabile cu cele 14 zile monitoare medicale standard.

In acest studiu, cercetatorii au evaluat eficacitatea aplicatiei AliveCor Heart Monitor.

“We showed that we can do as well with the app as with the event monitors,The app is easier for patients to use and much more acceptable to them,” a declarat Anne Curtis, professor at University at Buffalo in New York, US.

Unul dintre neajunsurile monitoarelor clasice cardiace reprezinta faptul ca trebuie purtate oriunde.

“The event monitors require electrocardiographic electrodes to be attached to the patient’s skin, which can be irritating,” she said.

“Then the patient has to wear the device that is attached to the electrodes, which is somewhat cumbersome, and most patients do not like to wear it in public. Hence, compliance is often poor,” Curtis explained.

“The point of the study was to determine whether any smartphone app could be good enough to replace what we normally use now, which is a 14-30 day event monitor,” Curtis noted.

Pe tot parcursul studiului de doua saptamani, 32 de pacienti care au avut unele simptome cardiace, au fost rugati sa utilizeze ambele metode pentru a inregistra atunci cand au avut palpitatii.

Cercetatorii au descoperit ca aplicatia smartphone AliveCor Heart Monitor a inregistrat corect 91% din total comparativ cu 87,5 la suta inregistrata de monitoarele standard.

Pacienții care au fost mult mai susceptibile de a fi compatibil cu aplicatia smartphone, au fost in proportie de 94% comparativ cu doar 58%, a celor care se incred in cele cu monitorul clasic.

Studiul a fost prezentat la reuniunea anuala a ritmului cardiac Society (HRS) din San Francisco, SUA.