MindNode este aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii pentru iPhone si iPad

Apple a anuntat aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii in cursul noptii trecute in AppStore pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, ea putand fi descarcata gratuit de catre utilizatorii care doresc sa beneficieze de promotie in cursul urmatoarelor 7 zile.

MindNode este aplicatia aleasa de catre compania Apple pentru a fi oferita gratuit in urmatoarele 7 zile pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, ea fiind prezentata in clipul de mai jos. Dupa cum veti vedea, vorbim despre o aplicatie care este capabila sa faca o reprezentare vizuala a tot ceea ce se intampla in mintea noastra, adica o harta mintala.

Pornind de la un gand de baza, MindNode ne permite sa cream o harta a ideilor noastre, care se ramifica in functie de ceea ce gandim, sau cum ne organizam gandurile. MindNode are o interfata foarte simpla prin care putem face toate aceste lucruri si este ideala pentru cei care doresc sa-si organizeze ideile intr-un mod care sa-i faca mai productivi.

MindNode makes mind mapping delightful. Mind maps are a visual representation of your ideas, starting with a central thought and growing from there. MindNode allows you to brainstorm, organize & share your thoughts in an intuitive way, so you can focus on the idea behind it. The clean interface lets you concentrate on generating and connecting thoughts, and an infinitely expanding canvas means that no matter how big or complicated your project gets, MindNode can keep up.

Mai jos aveti listate toate functiile pe care ni le ofera aplicatia MindNode si puteti observa ca vorbim despre optiuni extrem de multe pentru a ne organiza gandurile. Organizarea este una, insa MindNode se ocupa inclusiv de regasirea informatiilor introduse in ea, astfel ca tot ceea ce este bagat poate fi si scos, cel putin la fel de repede.

  • Create new ideas with a tap of your finger
  • Create multiple mind maps on a self-expanding canvas
  • Create connections between otherwise unrelated topics
  • Add photos and stickers to illustrate your ideas
  • Full VoiceOver support including gestures and other accessibility features
  • Simply rearrange your thoughts and hide entire branches to stay on top of your idea
  • Automatically keep complicated mind maps organized using Smart Layout
  • Highlight important nodes using different colors, fonts, and strokes
  • Add notes to topics and labels to connections for additional details
  • Easily browse large and complicated maps using a built-in outline
  • Get things done by turning nodes into tasks, with parent nodes showing your progress
  • Access all your mind maps from your iPhone, iPad or Mac using iCloud Drive
  • Share interactive documents publicly via the web through our MyMindNode service
  • Import your mind map from MindManager, FreeMind, OPML, Markdown, TaskPaper, CSV, or text outline
  • Export your mind map as a PDF, FreeMind, OPML, PNG, Markdown, TaskPaper, CSV, or text outline
  • Export your tasks to Apple’s Reminders and OmniFocus

Aplicatia MindNode este disponibila pentru descarcare gratuita, in format universal, din AppStore in urmatoarele 7 zile urmand acest link.
