Ce tipuri de personalitati au utilizatorii iOS si Android

Doctorantul Heather Shaw, de la Universitatea din Lincoln, Scoala de Psihologie a realizat un studiu prin care si-a dorit sa afle ce tipuri de personalitati au utilizatorii iOS si Android.

Shaw si colegii ei cercetatorii au efectuat doua studii de diferentele de personalitate intre utilizatorii iOS si Android.

In primul studiu cercetatorii au cerut celor 240 de participanti sa completeze un chestionar cu privire la caracteristicile pe care le asociaza cu utilizatorii smartphone de fiecare brand.

In al doilea studiu au testat aceste stereotipuri impotriva unor trasaturi de personalitate reale ale 530 utilizatori smartphone Android si iOS.

Rezultatele au aratat ca utilizatorii Android sunt perceputi de a avea niveluri mai mari de onestitate si umilinta dar sunt vazuti ca fiind mai putin extravertiti decat utilizatorii de iOS.

De asemenea, ei au tras concluzia ca femeile tind sa nu stea prea mult pe ganduri, si sunt sanse de doua ori mai mari sa aleaga un iPhone decat un Samsung.

When measuring the characteristic ‘avoidance of similarity’ which describes whether people like having the same products as others, Android Users avoided similarity more than iPhone users. Finally, iPhone users thought it was more important to have a high status phone than Android users.

Heather explica

 This study provides new insights into personality differences between different types of smartphone users. Smartphone choice is the most basic level of smartphone personalisation, and even this can tell us a lot about the user.

Imagine if we further researched how personality traits relate to the applications people download. It is becoming more and more apparent that smartphones are becoming a mini digital version of the user, and many of us don’t like it when other people use our phones because it can reveal so much about us