Apple Park – noul campus Apple va fi deschis in aprilie

Apple Park este denumirea noului campus pe care compania Apple il are in momentul de fata in constructie in Cupertino, proiectul fiind initiat acum mai bine de 2 ani. Ca un vis al lui Steve Jobs, Apple Park urmeaza sa gazduiasca zeci de mii de angajati ai companiei Apple si un amfiteatru de 1000 de locuri din locatie urmeaza sa poarte numele celebrului co-fondator al Apple.

Stiut pana acum sub denumirea de Apple Campus 2, Apple Park este prezentat si intr-o serie de imagini publicate astazi de catre compania Apple, deschiderea sa fiind amanata initial de Apple. Acum, compania anunta ca Apple Park isi va deschide portile in aprilie, deci atunci se vor muta in el o parte din angajati, iar acolo ar putea fi organizate si viitoare conferinte, exceptand WWDC 2017.

Apple va muta initial 12.000 de angajati in Apple Park intr-o perioada de 6 luni de zile, ea angajand deja o serie de persoane inca din luna noiembrie pentru noua locatie. Amfiteatrul care va purta numele lui Steve Jobs este pozitionat pe un deal si este cel mai ridicat punct din Apple Park, intrarea fiind dominata de un cilindru de sticla, tipic pentru Apple Store-uri.

Apple Park – noul campus Apple va fi deschis in aprilie

Apple Park urmeaza sa aiba si un Apple Store construit in locatie, plus un centru in care vor putea intra vizitatori, adica la fel cu ceea ce se intampla in campusul actual. Se zvonea la un moment dat ca Apple Park ar urma sa gazduiasca peste 30.000 de angajati ai Apple, dar pana la sfarsitul anului vor ajunge minim 12.000 dintre ei acolo.

Apple Park are si laboratoare de ultima generatie in care Apple isi va dezvolta viitoarele produse, acolo urmand a fi create urmatoarele inovatii ale americanilor. Apple Park va fi unul dintre cele mai mari campusuri de companii din SUA si vorbim despre o investitie de peste 3 miliarde de dolari facuta de catre compania Apple pentru el.

Iata cateva imagini oferite de catre Apple, pentru a prezenta Apple Park, dar si unele explicatii cu privire la noua constructie.


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“Cupertino, California — Apple today announced that Apple Park, the company’s new 175-acre campus, will be ready for employees to begin occupying in April. The process of moving more than 12,000 people will take over six months, and construction of the buildings and parklands is scheduled to continue through the summer.

Envisioned by Steve Jobs as a center for creativity and collaboration, Apple Park is transforming miles of asphalt sprawl into a haven of green space in the heart of the Santa Clara Valley. The campus’ ring-shaped, 2.8 million-square-foot main building is clad entirely in the world’s largest panels of curved glass.

Steve would have turned 62 this Friday, February 24. To honor his memory and his enduring influence on Apple and the world, the theater at Apple Park will be named the Steve Jobs Theater. Opening later this year, the entrance to the 1,000-seat auditorium is a 20-foot-tall glass cylinder, 165 feet in diameter, supporting a metallic carbon-fiber roof. The Steve Jobs Theater is situated atop a hill — one of the highest points within Apple Park — overlooking meadows and the main building.

“Steve’s vision for Apple stretched far beyond his time with us. He intended Apple Park to be the home of innovation for generations to come,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “The workspaces and parklands are designed to inspire our team as well as benefit the environment. We’ve achieved one of the most energy-efficient buildings in the world and the campus will run entirely on renewable energy.”

“Steve was exhilarated, and inspired, by the California landscape, by its light and its expansiveness. It was his favorite setting for thought. Apple Park captures his spirit uncannily well,” said Laurene Powell Jobs. “He would have flourished, as the people of Apple surely will, on this luminously designed campus.”
“Steve invested so much of his energy creating and supporting vital, creative environments. We have approached the design, engineering and making of our new campus with the same enthusiasm and design principles that characterize our products,” said Jony Ive, Apple’s chief design officer. “Connecting extraordinarily advanced buildings with rolling parkland creates a wonderfully open environment for people to create, collaborate and work together. We have been extremely fortunate to be able to work closely, over many years, with the remarkable architectural practice Foster + Partners.””