Find My iPhone ajuta la salvarea victimei unui accident rutier

  Find My iPhone este un serviciu oferit de catre compania Apple, iar cu ajutorul sau putem recupera un iDevice pierdut sau furat, totul numai daca serviciul este activat in prealabil pe acel terminal. Find My iPhone a salvat nu doar iDevice-uri, ci si vieti, iar cel mai recent caz are in prim-plan un accident rutier si un tanar de 17 ani. Tanarul a fost implicat in accent pe o sosea americana, dupa accident a incercat sa paraseasca masina pentru a cere ajutor, insa in final tatal sau i-a descoperit locatia folosind Find My iPhone deoarece acesta nu raspundea la telefon.

A driver is in the hospital Saturday after spending the night outside near where his car crashed sometime Friday. Officials with the City of Santa Barbara say they found the vehicle about 200 feet over the side in the 2900 block of Gibraltar Road. They say they located the 17-year-old after his father used the tracking device on his son’s iPhone. They say he was found about 150 feet from his vehicle because he tried to walk at some point during the night.

  Find My iPhone este cel mai popular serviciu de localizare a terminalelor mobile, el functioneaza numai pe platforma iOS, insa este inutil daca nu il activati inainte de a avea o problema.