YouTube Creator Studio er blevet lanceret af Google i App Store (Video)


  YouTube Creator Studio er en applikation lanceret i løbet af denne aften i App Store efter virksomhed Google, ea fiind conceputa special pentru cei care administreaza canale video pe reteaua YouTube. VED BRUG AF YouTube Creator Studio veti putea accesa rapid: statistici privind vizualizarile clipurilor voastre video, optiunile de moderare ale comentariilor, notificarile trimise prin YouTube si video managerul clasic.

The official YouTube Creator Studio app makes it faster and easier to manage your channel on the go. Check out your latest stats, respond to comments, and get customized notifications so you can stay connected from anywhere.

  • Overvåg kanal- og videoydeevne med brugervenlige analyser
  • Filter and respond to fan comments
  • Customize push notifications so you can stay on top of what you care about most
  • Update your video details and settings

  In interiorul video managerului veti avea posibilitatea de a edita informatiile pentru clipurile video publicate, iar pentru cei interesati exista si suport pentru incarcarea de clipuri video inregistrate la 48 fps sau 60 fps. Aplicatia er tilgængelig GRATIS in App Store, insa desigur ca nu este dedicata utilizatorilor de rand.

YouTube Creator Studio



Udvikler: Google, Inc.
Kategori: Foto og video

Beskrivelse: The official YouTube Creator Studio app makes it faster and easier to manage your channel on the go. Check out your latest stats, respond to comments, and get customized notifications so you can stay conne…

Applikationens størrelse er: 7.9 Mb