kehrt in neuer Form zurück – UPDATE

Die vergangenen Tage werden gegenwärtig posibilele motive din spatele recentei inchideri a site-ului si astazi revin cu cateva informatii postate de catre Kyek, administratorul site-ului in locul unde acum cateva zile era pagina principala a

Appulous has jumped to another server that’s currently being set up. It’s taking a lot of time out of a ridiculously busy schedule, so you’ll have to bear with me. It will definitely be a few days.
Those of you expecting Appulous to come back exactly how it was will be in for a bit of a surprise. It will not be the same site you’re used to — and depending on who you are, that will either be a really good thing or a really bad thing. For those of you who will hate it, that’s cool; there are alternatives for what you want. For those who are into it, this could be a lot of fun.
I’ve been intentionally vague here as well as to many of you personally, because what I’m planning is a little big and, quite frankly, I don’t want to be talked out of it. What I werden wir say is that I’ll be delivering on every promise I’ve made. has only been offline a few days now, so keep your pants on. The amount of cynicism in this community is laughably absurd ;-).
Anyway! There are actually two sites that need to come online for this to happen: and one other that I’m trying to get people to rush along 🙂 Once everything is ready, this page will change — and with it, a full explanation from yours truly. If I get bored, I’ll post some status updates here… so check back now and then!

Mai pe scurt a fost mutat pe un alt server si cand va fi repus in functiune vor exista cateva surprinze, din pacate nimeni nu stie in ce constau aceste surprize insa Kyek spune ca pentru unii vor fi placute, pentru altii nu si aici imi vine in minte troll bridge-ul care a fost destinat sa-i tina afara pe cei care veneau doar sa ia aplicatii si nu contribuiau cu nimic la comunitatea hackulo.

Indiferent ce va fi, vor exista 2 site-uri, dupa cum zice Kyek insa mai multe vom sti abia cand va termina treaba sau daca va posta noutati pe site. Problema e alta, daca AppTrackR isi face treaba de minune, mai avem oare nevoie de

Acum cateva ore, Kyek a postat un nou update pe pagina :

[Update 11FEB2010 6:52PM GMT] Still a good deal of work to be done, but things are coming together faster than I expected :). Just so people are prepared, what’s here at first won’t be a user-driven site. At first. What you’ll see is a static page that throws a couple options at you, and what you decide will determine what Appulous becomes in the next week or so. No, one of those options won’t be “Exactly what it used to be” or “V2”. Those who know me know that I’m not all about creating something that already exists. That’s all drama and zero fun — so don’t get your hopes all high for the same page to come back. Depending on who you are, it could be better. Or you might never visit this site again. Your call 🙂

So din cate spune Kyek se pare ca in zilele urmatoare va pune un fel de chestionar pe prima pagina a si in functie de raspunsurile pe care vizitatorii le vor completa va fi decisa soarta site-ului. Aveti grija ce alegeti pentru ca dupa cum spune Kyek s-ar putea sa va treziti cu accesul blocat pe site.