Top rated apps update 1.1

23605 Top rated apps, the application from MS Soft that allows you to see the best rated applications in the AppStore and the applications added by you to your favorites, online as well as offline, was updated today to version 1.1, following the positive feedback of those who based on it bought their applications. The people behind the application dug deep into Apple's database and included in the new update no less than 500 of the best-rated applications, of which 300 are games, the applications being chosen based on the votes given by users in AppStore, the minimum grade to be considered is 4 out of a maximum of 5.

The good part of this application is that the entire database, all reviews, descriptions, pictures, absolutely everything you can find about one of the applications listed in the AppStore, you can also find in the application only that the information is included directly in it and you don't have to you connect to the Internet to see everything you need to know about that application. But that's not all, you have the option to create a list of your favorite applications, because of the 500 existing ones, quite a few will surely catch your eye, and based on that list of favorites you can decide what you want to buy and what not.

If you are interested in the application, you can download it for $0.99 from the US AppStore here and for €0.79 from the RO AppStore here.