Kirikae update

24116 Kirikae, the application that combined with Backgrounder makes multitasking possible on the iPhone, received a rather important update yesterday, which brings Large Rows and Themed icons among the application's options. For those who don't know, Kirikae makes it possible to display open applications, for which backgrounding is activated, and to select the one you want to return to without having to close the application you're already in and get to Springboard. In essence, it is a kind of task manager for the iPhone.

The application has been updated to version 1.33 and brings Large Rows, which essentially allows the display of applications in a larger space than in the case of the default option; adding an option that allows the icons modified by Winterboard to be displayed, as they appear in Springboard, an option that can of course be disabled; and fixing the bug that now allows closing the Mail application for those with minimum firmware 3.1.

Here are the features of the application:
* Replaced swipe-to-quit behavior with always-visible quit button.
* Quitting the current app will no longer close Kirikae.
* springBoard is now always shown at the top in the "Home Screen" section.
* Renamed current/other applications to foreground/background
* Applications.
* "Foreground Application" section is only shown if not SpringBoard.
* "Background Applications" section is now sorted by most-to-least recent usage.

If you are interested in the application, you can download it from Cydia from the BigBoss repo.