Apple warns users not to jailbreak

5 days ago Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), gave publicity a release by which it warns users about possible harmful effects a jailbreak- of the terminals, all the details provided by Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), being completely plausible but some of them being able to appear even on phones without jailbreak.

Among the possible side effects of jailbreakacquis Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), mentions:

  • Instability of the terminal, applications that close by themselves or stop starting;
  • Problems with the signal, the interruption of calls or the impossibility of initiating them;
  • Chaotic functionality of some services: YouTube, Mail, the weather application, Push Notifications. I must mention that Push Notifications do not work properly unless you activate your phone with the telephone card of the operator where it was purchased and it is coded.
  • Data security can be compromised, in fact by jailbreaking and changing the root password security is improved.
  • Decreased battery life, it is true that if you install applications from Cydia that have mobilesubstrates, the battery life will decrease drastically.
  • The impossibility of updating the iPhone OS software, so far I have not heard of any person with a jailbreak who could not update the software because of the jailbreak.

These would be the adverse effects of implementation jailbreakacquis, Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), also mention that if you do jailbreak your phone could be denied warranty, in reality Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), refuses to guarantee any terminals jailbroken.

It is interesting, however, that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), included in the list of terminals affected by jailbreak si iPad- although in reality there is no public program to do it ipad jailbreakacquis.