Siri – the application that takes the place of a personal assistant


Crab is an application for iPhone / iPod Touch which implements a whole series of features that you would normally have to either do yourself or hire someone to do for you. First of all, Siri is an application that searches the Internet for different information for you, but unlike classic applications Crab search for dictation, similar to the Google Voice application.

Secondly Crab is a multifunctional platform through which you can plan different aspects of your life directly from your mobile phone, for example (if you have also seen the video) if you want to go to a concert open Crab and you tell it what you are interested in, the application will search for all the information related to that subject and through it you can buy tickets or reserve seats at a concert/film/restaurant without having to call/go personally to do something.

Of course, Siri works ONLY in the USA and works only with different sites that have implemented functions for online reservations/etc, and unfortunately in Romania such technology is far from being implemented.

Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), bought the company that made the application yesterday Crab and it is very possible to present this little miracle as a feature for iPhone 4G/HD in the summer.

What do you think, would you like to be able to use such an application in Romania?