News about decoding

It's been a while since the last ones News regarding the possibility of decoding and with the appearance of the 2 jailbreak tutorials for iPhone 3G si iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.1, questions about ultrasn0w is baseband started to appear. At the moment iOS 4.1 changes the baseband from 05.13.04 to 05.14.01 and it can NOT be decoded because there is no decoding solution and it is not known when it will be. This situation applies to the iPhone 3G/3GS. For iPhone 4, it goes from baseband 01.x to 02.x, which also cannot be decoded by any existing method.

iOS 4.2 also brings a new baseband 05.15.x which cannot be decoded at the moment and it is not known when it will be decoded. Considering that Apple releases 2 important versions of iOS in such a short period of time, I predict that a new decoding solution will be available only after iOS 4.2. Exploits for decoding are much harder to find than those for jailbreaking and it is more than certain that the Dev Team will keep the decoding until after the release of iOS 4.2.

In conclusion, if you need decoding, do not install iOS 4.1/4.2 because you will be without the phone function for a long time.