redsn0w 0.9.7 available soon, it will be the only untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 4.2.1

This morning I wrote one article in which I was talking about the accusations brought against those from the Dev Team who are now being attacked by former collaborators who helped them in the development of jailbreak solutions. Among the tweets on his Twitter account, MuscleNerd made a rather interesting claim regarding the current untethered jailbreak solution. It seems that the Monte jailbreak, the method developed by the Dev Team to make an untethered jailbreak on iOS 4.2.1, could also be used for the future iOS 4.3.

Dev Team has already announced that redsn0w 0.9.7 for Windows will be available for testing soon but of course it will only work for those who have SHSH for iOS 4.2 beta 3 in Cydia and iOS 4.2 beta 3 downloaded on PC. These beta versions of redsn0w cause quite a lot of problems for users, so I recommend you not to use them unless you are willing to do frequent restores.

[blackbirdpie url=”!/MuscleNerd/status/21428468835164161″]

In other news, MuscleNerd announced that comex is no longer working on developing an exploit for iOS 4.2.1 and will keep the current one for iOS 4.3. So redsn0w 0.9.7 will be the only method to untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 and it is very likely that people who do not have SHSH for iOS 4.2 beta 3 will not be able to use this version of redsn0w.

iOS 4.3 should appear with the launch of iPad 2, that is, somewhere around February - April 2011, so we still have to wait.