Video: Presentation of Mission Control and LaunchPad for Mac OS X Lion


Mission Control and LaunchPad are some of the most important innovations implemented by Apple in Mac OS X Lion because they will change the way we interact with the applications installed in Macs. Mission Control is an expose interface that shows us all the applications open in the background and you can see in the image above how useful and simple this interface is. Basically, you have all your applications arranged on the screen, they are sorted so that you know what is there, they are easy to reopen and look much better than on any other operating system. The interface is "borrowed" from the expose implemented in iOS by various tweaks from Cydia, Apple of course bringing its own contribution.

LaunchPad is a kind of Springboard for Mac OS X because displays all the applications from our Mac in folders on pages, exactly as they appear in iOS. You can navigate through the pages to find the desired application, you can open it just like in iOS, so you will already be familiar with how it works. Apple is trying to bring the 2 operating systems as close as possible and this is welcome because there are many users of iDevices, the biggest increase is there and when an owner of an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch buys a Mac he will find a system operation similar to the one he is used to.