Permanent decoding for iPhone, Gevey 3G SIM or ultrasn0w unlock?

For more than half a year, iPhone 3G/3Gs and iPhone 4 owners who have installed iOS 4.1/4.2.1 or even iOS 4.3 have had their terminals blocked in the mobile phone networks from which they were purchased. The Dev Team has constantly promised to release an unlock solution based on the ultrasn0w program, but so far everything has turned out to be a big lie that culminated with MuscleNerd's statement announcing that his unlock solution decoded a single T-card Furniture that he had in the house. Given this situation, what options does a person with a coded phone have? The answer is complicated and I will explain some situations below, but we have to divide the "world" into: people with terminals coded in foreign networks and people with terminals coded in Romanian networks.

Coded terminals in a foreign network.

If you have a terminal coded on a foreign network, then your options are quite limited and unfortunately almost all of them require the investment of a sum of money for decoding.

1. You purchase a Gevey SIM 3G card that costs $70 in China or over $120 in Romania, but its use is illegal. I have not seen anyone to confirm that these cards work in Romania, so you must be extremely careful if you purchase such a card.

2. Permanent decoding through a server that deals with such things. This business with permanent decoding for the iPhone has flourished in recent months in Romania, there are many people who deal with this kind of thing. The prices vary between 50 - 150€ depending on the operator on which the terminal is coded. To do such a decoding, you have to pay a sum of money in advance and wait for the decoding, but there are 2 unknowns: the person to whom you give the money and the fact that the decoding will be done. There are a lot of scammers who claim to be able to decode iPhones, but in reality they can't do it, and after you give them the money, you never hear from them again. The second problem lies in the fact that for certain networks there is a "success rate" in terms of decoding, that is, certain requests for decoding are not accepted, the terminals are rejected, and the money is taken by the operators. It is a very big risk that you must know.

What many of you do not know is that some operators decode terminals for very small amounts or for free. For example, some operators in England or Spain do this, but for decoding you need to call them from a card that has credit in that network and some require the person who purchased the terminal to request decoding. In fact, these decodings cost much less than what is asked of you at a service, but the person from Romania who does the decoding is already the second or third intermediary, so the commissions add up.

3. Wait for the Dev Team to release an unlock solution for the iPhone. I know that so many months have passed, I know that the Dev Team shows no signs of being able to do something like this, I know that you are all frustrated, but if you don't have €100 to give to someone who decodes terminals, then you have nothing else to do but wait . If you have an iPhone 3G or 3GS, you can decode the terminal installing iPad baseband but this method leads to the loss of the GPS function of the terminal, but you can purchase a GPS module for less than €100 and you can connect it to the phone when you need it.

4. You sell the coded terminal, put some more money and buy a new or second-hand factory unlocked one. Terminals of this type have become quite cheap and I for one would prefer to sell the coded terminal, put a few more pennies and get another one factory unlocked because anyway I can jailbreak whatever version of iOS I want.

Coded terminals on Romanian networks.

Here things are very simple: if you purchased an iPhone at full price or standard price without any subscription or subscription option, then you can decode it for free because that's what the Romanian law says. If you bought an iPhone when renewing your subscription or benefiting from some offer then: at Orange decoding costs €100 and at Vodafone it would cost €50, but I am not sure about this from the latest information.

I have explained everything you need to know about decoding at the moment, so now you know the options you have and how you can use them.