Twitter 3.3.3 update available in the AppStore

Twitter 3.3.3 has been available for a few hours in the AppStore, the company releasing a new version of the application to solve some of the problems of the previous version but also to finally remove the trend bar from the timeline. You know that a lot of people complained about the existence of that trend bar and that led Twitter to release a revised version of the application that limited the functionality of that bar. This "concession" from Twitter was not enough, so a tweak available for some time in Cydia removed all that bar so that in the end Twitter removed it from the application as well.

Here is the explanation given by Twitter for removing the QuickBar. You can download the Twitter application for free from the AppStore.

Last month, we released an update to Twitter for iPhone and iPad containing a number of features that made finding friends and sharing information on Twitter even easier. The iPhone app also contained a new feature we wanted to test called the QuickBar. The QuickBar was originally conceived to help users discover what's happening in the wider world beyond people they already follow. The bar was also seen as a potential means of in-app notifications for new @mentions, DMs, and other important activities.

We want Twitter to instantly connect people everywhere to what's most meaningful to them. In support of this, we will frequently experiment by trying new things, adding new features, and being bold in the product decisions we make. After testing a feature and evaluating its merits, if we learn it doesn't improve the user experience or serve our mission, we'll remove that feature.

Rather than continue to make changes to the QuickBar as it exists, we removed the bar from the update appearing in the App Store today. We believe there are still significant benefits to increasing awareness of what's happening outside the home timeline. Evidence of the incredibly high usage metrics for the QuickBar support this. For now, we're going back to the drawing board to explore the best possible experience for in-app notification and discovery.