The jailbreak solution for iPad 2 is more difficult to develop than initially thought

In the last few days on Twitter MuscleNerd and p0sixninja have complained about how difficult it is to get access to the bootrom of the A5 chip in the iPad 2 tablet. Basically, they need access there to check if they can somehow exploit the bootrom- ul to run unsigned code and make a jailbreak solution. So far none of them have been successful and unfortunately it seems that the jailbreak solution for iPad 2 is at a dead end, at least from the point of view of the bootrom. If they don't manage on this side, maybe comex could help them discover a vulnerability and use their exploit to make a userland jailbreak.

Every time a new bootrom appears, the exact same situation happens because things must be checked, tests must be done on the hardware components to see which are vulnerable and which are not. My hope is that after Easter we will have a jailbreak solution for iPad 2 as well.