8 out of 10 tablet PCs sold last year were iPad tablets

2010 was an extraordinarily good year for Apple and the iPad tablet because the company from Cupertino managed to capture no less than 85% of the tablet PC market. The iPad was the tablet dominant on the global market, 8 out of 10 tablets existing globally are iPad tablets, Apple crushing the competition in just 9 months of the tablet's existence. Samsung is the second largest tablet manufacturer, holding a market share of 8% in 2010, and Archos completes the podium of the major manufacturers. During the Apple conference on March 2, Steve Jobs announced that the iPad had a market share of over 90%, but in reality the situation was different.

This year iPad 2 will probably maintain a market share at a level higher than 80% without much effort. From the launch of the iPad 2 until now, the company has managed to sell several million units, while the Motorola Xoom has sold almost 200.000 units. The new tablets from Samsung have not yet been launched on the market, but from my point of view there is no chance that they will surpass the iPad 2 in terms of sales. Apple is the leader on the tablet market, but it remains to be seen how long they will be able to stay in this position.