Promotional materials for Mac OS X Lion displayed in Apple's partner stores

Although we do not officially know anything about the release of Mac OS X Lion, I found out in the morning that this evening Apple employees were called to work to prepare the stores for a possible launch of Mac OS X Lion and a new MacBook Air Maine series. Now we learn that various Apple partner stores on the European continent have started to display already promotional materials promoting the new Mac OS X Lion operating system. In the US, these promotional materials have not yet been installed, but probably starting tomorrow we will see them available there as well, considering that the launch seems certain.

Promotional materials suggest people to purchase the new operating system along with gift cards that allow the purchase of either Mac OS X Lion or various applications available in the Mac App Store. The Macs available in the respective stores do not yet have Mac OS X Lion installed, but probably during the evening or tomorrow the installation will be done and customers will receive explanations about the purchase of OS X Lion. We don't know anything about the new MacBook Airs, there are no promotional materials for them, so you might have an unpleasant surprise tomorrow if you own a MacBook Air.